PDN measurement references

2017-06-30  by:CAE仿真在線  來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)

Hi SI community,

Can any one suggest references( documents, appnotes, books, etc) about PDN measurement methods, for both simulation and physical?

Focus on basics: practical techniques, tips, caveats, etc. Searching finds many results, so looking for specific recommendations.



Hi Ivor,

You can find a lot of free information on the web:

- for general probing and instrumentation, you can check out the Agilent Appnotes,for instance:

http://cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5990-5902EN.pdf http://cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5950-3000.pdf http://cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5988-0728EN.pdf http://cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5991-1475EN.pdf http://cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5988-3279EN.pdf

- for low-frequency DC-DC converter measurements you can check out for instance Steve Sandler's publications and postings at https://www.picotest.com/blog/

- you will find basic setups and instructions in the papers at http://www.electrical-integrity.com/ >> Paper download for instance


-you can also check out the book Frequency Domain Characterization of Power Distribution Networks by Artech House.


Hope this helps,

Istvan Novak


Hi Istvan,

Thank you very much for the abundant and specific links, this is the type information I seek. The specific Overview paper looks like a good starting reference point. The Measuring Milliohms and Pico Henrys paper/ slides also interesting. I'm considering Frequency-Domain Characterization PDN book. Also considering Bogatin Signal and Power Integrity Simplified book.

I previously searched Amazon and didn't find these books, bad search terms I guess. So your book link was useful.

Interesting that Power Distribution Network Design Methodologies [Paperback] shows "2usedfrom$3,037.74"!



Hi Romi,

Thank you for the interesting and relative reference to the Xilinx white paper on simulating PDN using S-Parameter models, this is the kind of specific thing I seek.



Hi Lee,

Thank you for your suggestion. I do have an dread the "commercial" version of your excellent Right The First Time book, and Chapter37( JohnZasio) is close to the type of information I'm looking for. I also found High Speed PCB Design (1 used from $199on Amazon).

I'm specifically looking for basic PDN measurement (simulation&physical) techniques (as opposed to design techniques, for example). Do you have more specific recommendation?



Hi Ivor

Here is the current list of articles about PDN that we have published over the last 2 years or so. This includes both Picotest.com and AEi Systems (www.aeng.com). There are also some articles that will be forthcoming at Designcon.

I have the 7 most popular ones in a PDF file I can email you or any one who is interested. All of these can also be found on http://www.aeng.com/power_integrity.htm.

Lastly, Steve Sandler has a book coming out this fall( Nov.) called Power Integrity: Measuring, Optimizing and Troubleshooting Power Related Parameters in Electronic Systems. Its all about test and there are many section applicable to PDN.


Articles about PDN

Improve Performance And Reduce Cost-http://electronicdesign.com/power/improve-performance-and-reduce-cost

By carefully matching the VRM, PCB planes, and load circuits to each other and to the required impedance magnitude, a flat PDN impedance can be created while minimizing circuit board area. The optimization also minimizes the use of expensive low-ESR capacitors and low-impedance voltage regulators.

Measure PDN on a budget-


As the use of microcontrollers, CPUs and FPGAs continues to grow, more engineers are facing challenges with their PDN design and measurement. Typically, PDN measurements are performed using a network analyzer. A 1-port measurement can be used for impedance levels above a few hundred mohm.

PCB characteristics affect PDN performance-


The basic design rules for power distribution networks (PDN) teach us that the best performance is obtained from a uniform, frequency independent (or flat) impedance profile. This is one reason that power supply stability is important, since a power supply with poor stability results in an impedance peak, which degrades the flat impedance profile and also the performance of the circuit being powered.

PDN Basics -Paralleling Tantalum and Ceramic Capacitors Can Be Risky -http://powerelectronics.com/passive-components/pdn-basics-paralleling-tantalum-and-ceramic-capacitors-can-be-risky

Paralleling capacitors to achieve high frequency sideband decoupling must take into account the performance characteristics of individual capacitors.

Why is PDN measured using a VNA and not an oscilloscope?-http://powerelectronics.com/community/why-pdn-measured-using-vna-and-not-oscilloscope

If PDN (Power Distribution Network) analysis is an assessment of the input power supply voltage to a CPU then why is it measured using a VNA and not an oscilloscope?

Fivethings every Engineer should know about PDN-


Steve Sandler describes the Top 5 most important things that every Engineer should know about PDN

PDN Issues Occur in the Simplest of Circuits-


This study focuses on a much smaller scale, addressing a very simple circuit that experiences related PDN issues. While the issues shown here may seem obvious to some, this is an excellent example of a very common problem.

Target impedance based solutions forPDN may not provide realistic assessment-


One of the more common design techniques for power distribution networks (PDN) is the determination of the peak impedance that will assure that the voltage excursions on the power rail will be maintained within allowable limits, generally referred to as the target impedance.

How to Make Higher Voltage Power-Distribution-Network Measurements-http://www.edn.com/design/test-and-measurement/4405531/How-to-make-higher-voltage-power-distribution-network-measurements

A two-port power distribution network (PDN) measurement is arguably the most accurate method of measuring low-value impedances, such as the output of point of load (POL) regulators and power planes.

How To Measure Ultra-Low Impedances-http://electronicdesign.com/article/power/measure-ultralow-impedances-74064

High-speed digital circuits need clean power, but can stress power systems in ways that make it difficult for the system to deliver what's needed. For example, the current drawn by high-speed processors and FPGAs can change by tens of amperes in a nanosecond. The power system is expected to remain stable when this occurs, without ringing, over-shooting or under-shooting, or responding in any way that might cause the circuitry to misbehave. The power distribution network (PDN)-which, together with the power supply itself, form the power system-must maintain a low source impedance, with minimal resistance and well-controlled reactive elements.

SSO Noise Effects in RTAX FPGAs - Part1-http://www.aeng.com/registration/check.php?id=U1NPIE5vaXNlIEVmZmVjdHM

The design of a Power Distribution Network (PDN) to support FPGAs with large numbers of fast, Simultaneously Switching Outputs (SSO) is currently an area with little definitive test data, and therefore little definitive analysis or correlated models. AEi Systems has developed a methodology for measuring the worst-case effects of SSO on the PDN of FPGAs and carried out laboratory testing using the commonly used part, the Microsemi RTAX2000.

Articles Coming at DesignCon 2015

Target Impedance Limitation and Rogue Wave Assessments on PDN Performance Impedance Measurement and Relating it to Control Loop Stability

A Summary of Current SI/PI Tools Including Sample PDN Assessments

In modern high speed digital circuits, power integrity (PI) performance has become a great concern. This article provides power and signal integrity engineers with an overview of the how several PI software tools faired at determining the characteristic impedance of the power supply plane (power distribution network (PDN)). The analysis results from these tools are verified against lab measurements. The test and simulation results for a straightforward simple design as well as the RATX624 design are discussed and presented. The specific advantages or each tool which vary depending on the complexity of design and PDN analysis are discussed.

A few others recommended

Power Integrity Modeling and Design for Semiconductors and Systems-http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0136152066/ref=s9_simh_gw_p14_d0_i3?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s?nter-2&pf_rd_rlllVMRGBSJTSHBM66GM28&pf_rd_tlll1&pf_rd_plll88200382&pf_rd_iP7846#reader_B001329QC2

Signal and PowerIntegrity-Simplified http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0132349795/ref=s9_simh_gw_p14_d0_i2?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s?nter-2&pf_rd_rlllVMRGBSJTSHBM66GM28&pf_rd_tlll1&pf_rd_plll88200382&pf_rd_iP7846

Charles Hymowitz-

Managing Director

AEi Systems,LLC


To be more specific with answers, you would need to be more specific with the questions. You said basic PDN simulations and measurements. But is it for only one or any combination or for all of the followings?

- DC drop analysis

- DC power dissipation, current density

- thermal, reliability

- low-frequency DC-DC converters

- PCB only

- package only

- silicon only

- PCB plus package plus silicon

- EMC effects

- SI interactions

- do you want to limit yourself to tools you already have (if yes, what are those)

- if you are in the position of investing in additional HW/SW, what are the constraints

- is this for a specific project, or generic learning for future projects or academic interest Tools, techniques, simulators, HW instruments, probes, measurement techniques will largely depend on the above.

Best regards,

Istvan Novak


Hi Istvan,

Thank you for noting that, with less generic inquiry I may find more specific responses, and for the elucidating list of facets. I apologize for my generality.

My interest is to expand my knowledge and apply to specific cases, evaluation of PCB structure with regards to PDN (AC/DC) impedance as seen by device mounted on it, including effects of other PDN components such as decoupling caps.

I have SW/HW tools, e.g. Ansys Q3D for model extraction, ADS for simulation, VNA E5071C for physical measurements. And I have quite a bit of material to review already, thanks

to you and others' kind postings! Regards,



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