
2016-12-09  by:CAE仿真在線  來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)

1.All in English& Imperial Unit.全部使用英文和英制單位

2.Are part dimensions to print plus shrink?請檢查內(nèi)模尺寸有否乘縮水?

3.All wires protected from sharp corners?凡有電線通過的角位要改為R角,是否完成?

4.All replaceable components must bestandard components.所有替換的元件必須是標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件。

5.Add shot counter?是否加啤塑總計(jì)器?

6.A complicated mould with thorough designconsideration to overcome the numerous design contraints.一個復(fù)雜的模具,設(shè)計(jì)經(jīng)過周詳考慮,成功地克服了各種設(shè)計(jì)上的限制。

7.All moving components should use hardenedsteel : all slides should be installed with hardend or lubricated alloy wearplates and gibs, and with positive slide retainer.


8.BOM including waterfittings,ejectors&custom components.BOM的內(nèi)容應(yīng)包含運(yùn)水接頭,頂針和自制的零件.

9.BeCu for lifters if w/o water circuits。若沒有運(yùn)水回路,斜頂為鈹銅。

10.Corresponding components mirrored atcore&cavity對應(yīng)的部件在前、后模平面視圖中鏡像

11.Check polish for line of draw finish?有否省光就出模?

12.Core pull slot mechanism installed andO.K.

13.Crane capacity and loading clearance.模具須用多大吊機(jī)才可搬動。

14.Conduct moldflow &mold warp analysis.經(jīng)流道及變形電腦模擬分析。

15.Component and/or 3D mould designdrawing.散件圖或3D模具圖

16.Cooling less important when dimensionsare not important.若尺寸不重要,適量冷卻也可。

17.Combine a traditional 4 cavity edge gateand a 4 cavities reverse gate mould which help to double the moulding capacityand reduce production cost.


18.Can be seperated into two individualmoulds for moulding in two different mould shops.


19.Consists of all standard mouldcomponents which facilitates mould maintenance.


20.Die draw called out出模方向的標(biāo)示

21.Dimension all the opening , travel &clearance標(biāo)出前、后模距離,滑動部件滑動距離和塑件脫離的位置

22.DME egr. Water fittings recessed andmarked?是否使用DME運(yùn)水接頭及編號?

23.Delivery right side up , or in two halves?開箱后是否容易吊出模具及是否分開前/后模運(yùn)輸?

24.Eyebolt size and balance in 2 sides吊??壮叽?平衡,4邊都要有

25.Ejection stroke & slide, liftertravel dimensioned出行程、行位、斜頂行程的標(biāo)注。

26.Ejection study if lifter adopted若有斜頂,做出分析。

27.Ejection extended at the most頂出到極限位置

28.Ejector guide pins installation .頂針導(dǎo)柱的安裝。

29.Eyebolts for inserts more than 50lbs.重量大于50lbs的鑲件必須要有吊???。

30.Edge gate or sprue gate requiringsecondary operation acceptable.邊緣型或直入型水口都可以接受。

31. 4 point in HRC different to lifterscontacting or cavity steel.斜頂和與其接觸的內(nèi)?;蜩偧谟捕壬?


32. 4X size section , dimensioned toreflect the actual size.

33.General ,safety and handling常規(guī)、安全和搬運(yùn)要求

34.Guided ejection recommended for mouldabove 100 tons clamp capacity, ejector pins of 1.5mm or smaller, or ejectorstroke longer than 50mm.


35.Guide pin cleared and vented?邊釘插入模板有否頂著及加疏氣空?

36.Hot manifold wired to print and checked?熱咀電線接位有否編號?

37.Horn pin clearance hole?斜邊與行位有否空間?

38.Hydraulic actuated slide together withelectrical limit switch.


39.Heaters fitted+0.002/-.000, leads taggedand connected to terminal.熱嘴裝配,電線源頭、尾有否安裝穩(wěn)固。(+0.002/.000)

40.Inserts keyed and numbered to preventincorrect assembly.鑲件定位和編號以防止不正確的組裝。

41.Jaw angle 3 deg.more than anglepins(<25 degree).斜面角度要比行位斜邊角度大3度(<25度)。

42.Keep enough space to run waterline atslide /lifter/major inserts.在行位、斜頂、主要鑲件處保留足夠位置(空間)布置水槽。

43.Lifter angle less than 15 degree.斜頂角度小于15度。

44.Lifter rods dia, less than 1".斜頂桿直徑不能少于1"。

45.Limit switch in tact and protected.是否已安裝限位制?

46.Moldbase and steel dimensioned模坯和鋼料號的標(biāo)注

47.Minimum 5 deg.for shut-off.斜頂鑲件最小5度插穿。

48.Mechanism for sequence動作機(jī)構(gòu)是否正確?

49.Mold safety straps installed and paintedred?是否已安裝安全帶及噴上正確顏色在模坯上?

50.Mould flow and simulation should becarried out for the best gate location, filling analysis, pressure distributionand heat distribution.


51.Mould should be designed with maximumcooling and with appropriate amount of ejection points.


52.Mould should be able to run fullyautomatic. Large part should be picked up by robot.


53.Mould should be tested to meet a definedCpk quality standard.模具經(jīng)過測試,符合預(yù)定的Cpk質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。

54.Mould should have safety features toprotect accidental damage, incorrect assembly and set up of mould.模具應(yīng)具備可以預(yù)防意外損害及錯誤安裝等安全特性。

55.Mould halves requiring accuratealignment of core and cavity, and shut off should have appropriate part linelocks.上、下模需要精確配合或有擦位的地方,模具一定要有直身鎖。

56.Mould requiring heating should haveinsulator plate.需要加熱的模具,必須有隔熱板。

57.Mould preferred to run automatic;self-degating whenever possible.模具最好能自動生產(chǎn),模具盡可能自斷水口。

58.No obstructions on buttom surface ofmold?模具必須穩(wěn)定位置如有凸出物請加腳座,是否完成?

59.Overall mold size of the moldbase &shut height模坯長寬和模厚(模架的長寬)

60.Outlets accessible and marked " INOUT and NUMBER"?出入水位有否打上IN 、OUT 字碼?

61.Protruding items shown and protected。畫出突出部件并做好保護(hù)。

62.Parting line at the acceptable surface.合模分布在合理可接受的表面。

63.Put waterline as much aspossible/wherever possible。盡可能布置多的運(yùn)水。

64.Put waterline for slide /lifter/insertwherever possible.盡可能在行位、斜、鑲件布置運(yùn)水。

65.Parting line cleared and releasedproperly?分模線是否正確?

66.Proper locating ring and diameter?定位圈尺寸及直徑是否正確?

67.Proper radius and orifice on spruebushing and keyed.唧嘴R及管釘是否正確?

68.Part line lock recommended when there isshut off.當(dāng)有擦位時,最好有直身鎖保護(hù)。

69.Protruding items shown and protected.如有零件凸出,模坯請加保護(hù)物。

70.Proper K.O. holes size and location.頂棍孔尺寸及位置是否正確?

71.Runners to be balanced.流道必平衡。

71.Runners cross section type and size asper standard.流道切面形狀和尺寸符合標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。

73.Runner and parts should be ejectedautomatically .Multiple ejection should be avoided.


74.Sufficient view and section足夠的視圖和切面圖

75.Safety Strap in red模塊藏入模坯,要涂成紅色。

76.Standing steel supported to keep stable.加撐腳以保前、后模能平穩(wěn)放置。

77.Support pillars>50% part projectionarea , steel :1040。撐頭面積大于50%的產(chǎn)品投影面積,材料:1040.

78.Safety strap clear tie bar?鎖模塊與哥林柱沖突嗎?

79.Sucker with reverse 10 deg. Undercut。10度倒扣的流道拉料桿。

80.Steel type & hardness of slide&heel blocks行位和壓條的料號和硬度。

81.Sufficient stroke of lifters(1/16"+undercut size)?斜頂是否有足夠的行程(1/16”+倒扣尺寸)?

82.Sufficient stroke for floating plate?浮動板是否有足夠的行程?

83.Sufficient stroke as well as part andrunner falls clear.是否有足夠的行程使品和流道脫落?

84.Spring around return pins and pressratio<33?是否有回針的彈簧及其壓縮比(<33%)?

85.Special instruction stamped on top andoperator side?客戶如有特別指示請打在模坯頂及操作面上,有否完成?

86.Screws tight and all installed?螺絲是否全部收緊?

87.Support posts ground and screwed toclamp plate and pre-loaded.撐頭是否高出方鐵?

88.Spring pockets correct depth , springdeflection max.40%?全部彈弓壓縮比是否為1/3 S?

89.Standing steel well supported?成品與內(nèi)模之間的鋼材是否足夠?

90.Single drop of cold sprue gating isdesigned after moldflow analysis, which ensures a balance flow of plastic andeasy for moulding.用moldflow分析決定產(chǎn)品的入水位置,使膠料分流平均,易于注塑。

91.Self-degating whenever possible .Hotrunner system should be considered.……熱流道系統(tǒng)應(yīng)該加以考慮。

92.Standard components should be used.盡量使用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件。

93.Semi-automatic and use of mould releaseacceptable.半自動工手放鑲件也可

94.Update title block/revision.更新標(biāo)題欄/版本

95.Use standard components whenappropriate.適當(dāng)?shù)臅r候使用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件。

96.View of deepest point.最深點(diǎn)(位置)的剖切視圖

97.Water circuits should run out form theejection box.運(yùn)水應(yīng)從出水槽中流出。

98.Waterlines clear tie bar and clamp slot?運(yùn)水是否同哥林柱和模槽有沖突?

99.Will mould fit in quoted press?可否配合客戶啤機(jī)?

100.Waterlines clear tie bars.運(yùn)水喉咀接駁位要離開啤機(jī)呵林柱咀接駁。

101.Waterline clear clamp slot.運(yùn)水喉咀接駁位要離開啤機(jī)碼??印?


相關(guān)標(biāo)簽搜索:100句模具溝通零障礙英語 Moldflow分析培訓(xùn) Moldflow課程培訓(xùn) Moldflow注塑分析的塑膠制品應(yīng)用 Moldflow視頻 Moldflow技術(shù)教程 Moldflow資料下載 Moldflow分析理論 Moldflow軟件下載 Fluent、CFX流體分析 HFSS電磁分析 Ansys培訓(xùn) Abaqus培訓(xùn) 

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