2016-09-20 by:CAE仿真在線 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)
你怎么在這個固體WALL來MAPPING MESH,又怎么可以算出這個固體WALL里面的溫度梯度呢?
其實關于TWO SIDE WALL的熱邊界條件設定問題,FLUENT里的UG寫得很清楚,的確不需要再設置其他條件,WALL的厚度也是可以設置的,以下是FLUENT的UG里的描述:
Thermal Conditions for Two-Sided Walls
If the wall zone has a fluid or solid region on each side, it is called a``two-sided wall''. When you read a grid with this type of wall zone intoFLUENT, a ``shadow'' zone will automatically be created so that each side ofthe wall is a distinct wall zone. In the Wall panel, the shadow zone's namewill be shown in the Shadow Face Zone field. You can choose to specifydifferent thermal conditions on each zone, or to couple the two zones:
To couple the two sides of the wall, select the Coupled option under ThermalConditions. (This option will appear in the Wall panel only when the wall is atwo-sided wall.) No additional thermal boundary conditions are required,because the solver will calculate heat transfer directly from the solution inthe adjacent cells. You can, however, specify the material type, wallthickness, and heat generation rate for thin-wall thermal resistancecalculations, as described above. Note that the resistance parameters you setfor one side of the wall will automatically be assigned to its shadow wallzone. Specifying the heat generation rate inside the wall is useful if, forexample, you are modeling printed circuit boards where you know the electricalpower dissipated in the circuits but not the heat flux or walltemperature.
To uncouple the two sides of the wall and specify different thermal conditionson each one, choose Temperature or Heat Flux as the thermal condition type. (Convection and Radiation are not applicable for two-sided walls.) Therelationship between the wall and its shadow will be retained, so that you cancouple them again at a later time, if desired. You will need to set therelevant parameters for the selected thermal condition, as described above. Thetwo uncoupled walls can have different thicknesses, and are effectivelyinsulated from one another. If you specify a non-zero wall thickness for theuncoupled walls, the thermal boundary conditions you set will be specified on theouter sides of the two thin walls, as shown in Figure 6.13.3,where is the Temperature (or is the Heat Flux) specified on one wall and is theTemperature (or is the Heat Flux) specified on the other wall. and are thethermal conductivities of the uncoupled thin walls. Note that the gap betweenthe walls in Figure 6.13.3 is not part of the model; it is included in thefigure only to show where the thermal boundary condition for each uncoupledwall is applied.
相關標簽搜索:Fluent計算熱耦合問題 Fluent培訓 Fluent流體培訓 Fluent軟件培訓 fluent技術教程 fluent在線視頻教程 fluent資料下載 fluent分析理論 fluent化學反應 fluent軟件下載 UDF編程代做 Fluent、CFX流體分析 HFSS電磁分析