
2016-08-29  by:CAE仿真在線  來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)


  離散元方法(DEM)首次于19世紀70年代由CundallandStrack在《A discrete numerical model for granular assemblies》一文提出,并不斷得到學者的關(guān)注和發(fā)展。離散元在我國起步比較晚,但是發(fā)展迅速,1986年第一屆全國巖石力學數(shù)值計算及模型試驗討論會上,王泳嘉首次向我國巖石力學與工程界介紹了離散元法的基本原理及幾個應用例子。






  目前開發(fā)離散元商用程序最有名的公司要屬由離散元思想首創(chuàng)者Cundall加盟的ITASCA國際工程咨詢公司.該公司開發(fā)的二維UDEC(universal distinct element code)和三維3DEC(3-dimensional distinct elementcode)塊體離散元程序,主要用于模擬節(jié)理巖石或離散塊體巖石在準靜或動載條件下力學過程及采礦過程的工程問題.該公司開發(fā)的PFC2D和PFC3D(particle flow code in 2/3 dimensions)則分別為基于二維圓盤單元和三維圓球單元的離散元程序.它主要用于模擬大量顆粒元的非線性相互作用下的總體流動和材料的混合,含破損累計導致的破裂、動態(tài)破壞和地震響應等問題.Thornton的研究組研制了GRANULE程序,可進行包括不同形狀的干、濕顆粒結(jié)塊的碰撞一破裂規(guī)律研究,離散本構(gòu)關(guān)系的細觀力學分析,料倉料斗卸料規(guī)律研究等.國內(nèi)離散元軟件的開發(fā)相對還比較落后,但隨著離散元方法研究在國內(nèi)的升溫,也出現(xiàn)了用于土木工程設計的塊體離散元分析系統(tǒng)2D—Block[oJ和三維離散單元法軟件TRUDEC及應用,以及北京大學劉凱欣研究小組開發(fā)的基于二維圓盤單元和三維球單元為基礎的SUPER-DEM離散元力學分析系統(tǒng)。



  A GPU Accelerated Continuous-based Discrete Element Method for Elastodynamics Analysis.










  離散元(discrete element method, distinct element method)是一種數(shù)值計算方法,主要用來計算大量顆粒在給定條件下如何運動。1971年Cundall提出此方法時采用ditinct element method是為了和連續(xù)介質(zhì)力學中的finite element method相區(qū)別。后來用discrete element method取代了distinct element method,以反映系統(tǒng)是離散的之一本質(zhì)特征。

  1971年Cundall提出適于巖石力學的離散元法, 1979年Cundall和Strack又提出適于土力學的離散元法,并推出二維圓盤(disc)程序BALL和三維圓球程序TRUBAL(后發(fā)展成商業(yè)軟件PFC-2D/3D),形成較系統(tǒng)的模型與方法,被稱為軟顆粒模型;


  從本質(zhì)上來講,離散元和分子動力學方法類似(molecular dynamics),以至于有些作者在文獻中不加區(qū)別的使用MD和DEM兩個名字。然而離散元和分子動力學相似性只體現(xiàn)在形式上的相似(顆粒和牛頓定理)。二者還是有很大差別,在于分子動力學計算原子如何在給定相互作用勢下如何運動,而離散元計算的顆粒通常為微米及毫米量級。此外,離散元方法中需要考慮顆粒體在外力作用下的旋轉(zhuǎn)運動,顆粒的形狀,顆粒尺寸分布,以及顆粒之間填充氣體,液體對顆粒材料宏觀性能都有很大的影響??傊?即使計算模擬一個最簡單的顆粒系統(tǒng),單一尺寸的球形顆??紤]摩擦作用下的運動問題都涉及到許多需要仔細考慮的細節(jié),然而正如其他模擬方法一樣,這些細節(jié)往往不會被作者在文章中出版,大多靠自己在實踐中去不斷領悟。









中文名稱:離散元法英文名稱:distinct element method


離散元法(distinct element method,dem)是由cundall[1]提出的1種處理非連續(xù)介質(zhì)問題的數(shù)值模擬方法,其理論基礎是結(jié)合不同本構(gòu)關(guān)系的牛頓第二定律,采用動態(tài)松弛法求解方程.
















  下面給出采用本文作者編制的顆粒dem筒倉計算程序sisolv-2[4],對某大型筒倉的裝、卸料過程進行模擬的算例.對原60 m直徑、20 m倉高的筒倉按25∶3縮小建立模型,模型尺寸見圖3.模擬中采用的計算參數(shù)見表1.





Discrete element method


discrete element method (DEM), also called a distinct element method is any of family of numericalmethods for computing the motion of a large number of particles of micrometre-scale size and above. Though DEM is very closely related to molecular dynamics, the method is generally distinguished by its inclusion of rotational degrees-of-freedom as well as stateful contact and often complicated geometries (including polyhedra). With advances in computing power and numerical algorithms for nearest neighbor sorting, it has become possible to numerically simulate millions of particles on a single processor. Today DEM is becoming widely accepted as an effective method of addressing engineering problems in granular and discontinuous materials, especially in granular flows, powder mechanics, and rock mechanics.

Discrete element methods are relatively computationally intensive, which limits either the length of a simulation or the number of particles. Several DEM codes, as do molecular dynamics codes, take advantage of parallel processing capabilities (shared or distributed systems) to scale up the number of particles or length of the simulation. An alternative to treating all particles separately is to average the physics across many particles and thereby treat the material as a continuum. In the case of solid-like granular behavior as in soil mechanics, the continuum approach usually treats the material as elasticor elasto-plasticand models it with the finite element methodor a mesh free method. In the case of liquid-like or gas-like granular flow, the continuum approach may treat the material as a fluidand use computational fluid dynamics. Drawbacks to homogenizationof the granular scale physics, however, are well-documented and should be considered carefully before attempting to use a continuum approach.


The DEM family

The various branches of the DEM family are the distinct element methodproposed by Cundallin 1971, the generalized discrete element methodproposed by Hocking, Williamsand Mustoein 1985, the discontinuous deformation analysis(DDA) proposed by Shiin 1988 and the finite-discrete element method concurrently developed by several groups (e.g., Munjizaand Owen). The general method was originally developed by Cundall in 1971 to problems in rock mechanics. The theoretical basis of the method was established by Sir Isaac Newton in 1697. Williams, Hocking, and Mustoe in 1985 showed that DEM could be viewed as a generalized finite element method. Its application to geomechanics problems is described in the bookNumerical Modeling in Rock Mechanics, by Pande, G., Beer, G. and Williams, J.R.. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd International Conferences on Discrete Element Methods have been a common point for researchers to publish advances in the method and its applications. Journal articles reviewing the state of the art have been published by Williams, Bicanic, and Bobetet al. (see below). A comprehensive treatment of the combined Finite Element-Discrete Element Method is contained in the bookThe Combined Finite-Discrete Element Methodby Munjiza.


The fundamental assumption of the method is that the material consists of separate, discrete particles. These particles may have different shapes and properties. Some examples are:

  • liquidsand solutions, for instance of sugaror proteins;
  • bulk materialsin storage silos, like cereal;
  • granular matter, like sand;
  • powders, like toner.
  • Blocky or jointed rock masses

Typical industries using DEM are:

  • Agriculture and food handling
  • Chemical
  • Civil Engineering
  • Oil and gas
  • Mining
  • Mineral processing
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Powder metallurgy

Outline of the method

A DEM-simulation is started by first generating a model, which results in spatially orienting all particles and assigning an initial velocity. The forces which act on each particle are computed from the initial data and the relevant physical laws and contact models. Generally, a simulation consists of three parts: the initialization, explicit time-stepping, and post-processing. The time-stepping usually requires a nearest neighbor sorting step to reduce the number of possible contact pairs and decrease the computational requirements; this is often only performed periodically.

The following forces may have to be considered in macroscopic simulations:

  • friction, when two particles touch each other;
  • contact plasticity, or recoil, when two particles collide;
  • gravity, the force of attraction between particles due to their mass, which is only relevant in astronomical simulations.
  • attractive potentials, such as cohesion, adhesion, liquid bridging, electrostatic attraction. Note that, because of the overhead from determining nearest neighbor pairs, exact resolution of long-range, compared with particle size, forces can increase computational cost or require specialized algorithms to resolve these interactions.

On a molecular level, we may consider

  • the Coulomb force, the electrostaticattraction or repulsion of particles carrying electric charge;
  • Pauli repulsion, when two atoms approach each other closely;
  • van der Waals force.

All these forces are added up to find the total force acting on each particle. An integration methodis employed to compute the change in the position and the velocity of each particle during a certain time step from Newton's laws of motion. Then, the new positions are used to compute the forces during the next step, and this loopis repeated until the simulation ends.

Typical integration methods used in a discrete element method are:

  • the Verlet algorithm,
  • velocity Verlet,
  • symplectic integrators,
  • the leapfrog method.

Long-range forces

When long-range forces (typically gravity or the Coulomb force) are taken into account, then the interaction between each pair of particles needs to be computed. The number of interactions, and with it the cost of the computation,increases quadraticallywith the number of particles. This is not acceptable for simulations with large number of particles. A possible way to avoid this problem is to combine some particles, which are far away from the particle under consideration, into one pseudoparticle. Consider as an example the interaction between a star and a distant galaxy: The error arising from combining all the stars in the distant galaxy into one point mass is negligible. So-called tree algorithms are used to decide which particles can be combined into one pseudoparticle. These algorithms arrange all particles in a tree, a quadtreein the two-dimensional case and an octreein the three-dimensional case.

However, simulations in molecular dynamics divide the space in which the simulation take place into cells. Particles leaving through one side of a cell are simply inserted at the other side (periodic boundary conditions); the same goes for the forces. The force is no longer taken into account after the so-called cut-off distance (usually half the length of a cell), so that a particle is not influenced by the mirror image of the same particle in the other side of the cell. One can now increase the number of particles by simply copying the cells.

Algorithms to deal with long-range force include:

  • Barnes–Hut simulation,
  • the fast multipole method.

Combined finite-discrete element method

Following the work by Munjiza and Owen's earlier work, the combined-discrete element method has been further developed to various irregular and deformable particles in many applications including pharmaceutical tableting,[1]packaging and flow simulations,[2]and concrete and impact analysis,[3]and many other applications.

Advantages and limitations


  • DEM can be used to simulate a wide variety of granular flow and rock mechanics situations. Several research groups have independently developed simulation software that agrees well with experimental findings in a wide range of engineering applications, including adhesive powders, granular flow, and jointed rock masses.
  • DEM allows a more detailed study of the micro-dynamics of powder flows than is often possible using physical experiments. For example, the force networks formed in a granular media can be visualized using DEM. Such measurements are nearly impossible in experiments with small and many particles.


  • The maximum number of particles, and duration of a virtual simulation is limited by computational power. Typical flows contain billions of particles, but contemporary DEM simulations on large cluster computing resources have only recently been able to approach this scale for sufficiently long time (simulated time, not actual program execution time).


  1. ^ R W Lewis, D T Gethin, X-S Yang, R. Rowe, A Combined Finite-Discrete Element Method for Simulating Pharmaceutical Powder Tableting, Int. J. Num. Method in Engineering, 62, 853–869 (2005)
  2. ^ D T Gethin, X-S Yang and R W Lewis; A Two Dimensional Combined Discrete and Finite Element Scheme for Simulating the Flow and Compaction of Systems Comprising Irregular Particulates, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 195, 2006, 5552–5565 (2006)
  3. ^ I. M. May, Y. Chen, D. R. J. Owen, Y.T. Feng and P. J. Thiele: Reinforced concrete beams under drop-weight impact loads, Computers and Concrete, 3 (2–3): 79–90 (2006).



  • Ante Munjiza,The Combined Finite-Discrete Element MethodWiley, 2004, ISBN 0-470-84199-0
  • Bicanic, Ninad,Discrete Element Methodsin Stein, de Borst, HughesEncyclopedia of Computational Mechanics, Vol. 1. Wiley, 2004. ISBN 0-470-84699-2.
  • Griebel, Knapek, Zumbusch, Caglar:Numerische Simulation in der Molekulardynamik. Springer, 2004. ISBN 3-540-41856-3.
  • Williams, J.R., Hocking, G., and Mustoe, G.G.W., “The Theoretical Basis of the Discrete Element Method,” NUMETA 1985, Numerical Methods of Engineering, Theory and Applications, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, January 1985
  • Pande, G., Beer, G. and Williams, J.R.,Numerical Modeling in Rock Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, 1990.
  • Farhang Radja? and Frédéric Dubois, "Discrete-element Modeling of Granular Materials", Wiley, 2011, ISBN 978-1-84821-260-2
  • Thorsten P?schel and Thomas Schwager,Computational Granular Dynamics, models and algorithms. Springer, 2005. ISBN 3-540-21485-2.


  • A. Bobet, A. Fakhimi, S. Johnson, J. Morris, F. Tonon, and M. Ronald Yeung (2009) "Numerical Models in Discontinuous Media: Review of Advances for Rock Mechanics Applications", J. Geotech. and Geoenvir. Engrg., 135 (11) pp. 1547–1561
  • P.A. Cundall, O.D.L. Strack, A discrete numerical model for granular assemblies.Geotechnique,29:47–65, 1979.
  • Kawaguchi, T., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y., Numerical simulation of two-dimensional fluidized beds using the discrete element method (comparison between the two- and three-dimensional models)Powder Technology,96(2):129–138, 1998.
  • Williams, J.R. and O’Connor, R.,Discrete Element Simulation and the Contact Problem, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Vol. 6, 4, 279–304, 1999
  • Zhu HP, Zhou ZY, Yang RY, Yu AB. Discrete particle simulation of particulate systems: Theoretical developments. Chemical Engineering Science. 2007;62:3378-3396
  • Zhu HP, Zhou ZY, Yang RY, Yu AB. Discrete particle simulation of particulate systems: A review of mayor applications and findings. Chemical Engineering Science. 2008;63:5728-5770.


  • Shi, G, Discontinuous deformation analysis – A new numerical model for the statics and dynamics of deformable block structures, 16pp. In1st U.S. Conf. on Discrete Element Methods, Golden. CSM Press: Golden, CO, 1989.
  • Williams, J.R. and Pentland, A.P., "Superquadric and Modal Dynamics for Discrete Elements in Concurrent Design," National Science Foundation Sponsored 1st U.S. Conference of Discrete Element Methods, Golden, CO, October 19–20, 1989.
  • 2nd International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, Editors Williams, J.R. and Mustoe, G.G.W., IESL Press, 1992 ISBN 0-918062-88-8


Open source and non-commercial software:

  • AscalaphMolecular dynamicswith fourth order symplectic integrator.
  • BALL & TRUBAL (1979–1980) distinct element method (FORTRAN code), originally written by P.Cundall and currently maintained by Colin Thornton.
  • dp3D(discrete powder 3D), DEM code oriented toward material science engineering applications (powder compaction, powder sintering, fracture of brittle materials...). Emphasis is put on the physics of the contact laws. dp3D is written in fortran 90 and heavily parallelised with OpenMP.
  • ESyS-ParticleESyS-Particle is a high-performance computing implementation of the Discrete Element Method released under the Open Software License v3.0. To date, development focus is on geoscientific applications including granular flow, rock breakage and earthquake nucleation. ESyS-Particle includes a Python scripting interface providing flexibility for simulation setup and real-time data analysis. The DEM computing engine is written in C++ and parallelised using MPI, permitting simulations of more than 1 million particles on clusters or high-end workstations.
  • LAMMPSis a very fast parallel open-source molecular dynamics package with GPU support also allowing DEM simulations. LAMMPS Website, Examples.
  • LIGGGHTSis a code based on LAMMPS with more DEM features such as wall import from CAD, a moving mesh feature and granular heat transfer. Further a coupling to CFD is available. LIGGGHTS Website
  • SDECSpherical Discrete Element Code.
  • LMGC90Open platform for modelling interaction problems between elements including multi-physics aspects based on an hybrid or extended FEM – DEM discretization, using various numerical strategies as MD or NSCD.
  • PasimodoPASIMODO is a program package for particle-based simulation methods. The main field of application is the simulation of granular media, such as sand, gravel, granulates in chemical engineering and others. Moreover it can be used for the simulation of many other Lagrangian methods, e.g. fluid simulation with Smoothed-Particle-Hydrodynamics.
  • YadeYet Another Dynamic Engine (historically related to SDEC), modular and extensible toolkit of DEM algorithms written in c++. Tight integration with Python gives flexibility to simulation description, real-time control and post-processing, and allows introspection of all internal data. Can run in parallel on shared-memory machines using OpenMP.
  • MechSysAlthough it is initially a package dedicated to the FEM method, it also contains a DEM module. It uses both spherical elements and spheropolyhedra to model collision of particles with general shapes. Both elastic and cohesive forces are included to model damage and fracture processes. Parallelization is achieved mostly by the new std::thread library of the new C++ standard. There is also a module dealing with the coupling between DEM and LBM still under development.

Commercially available DEM software packages include PFC3D, EDEM and Passage/DEM:

  • Bulk Flow Analyst (Applied DEM)General-purpose 3D DEM tool for mechanical engineering applications. Imports many types of 3D modelling files (including DXF, IGES, and STEP) and integrates with AutoCAD and SolidWorks as well as providing its own 3D interface.
  • Chute Analyst (Overland Conveyor Company)3D DEM tool for transfer chute engineering applications. Imports many types of 3D modelling files (including DXF, IGES, and STEP) and integrates with AutoCAD and SolidWorks as well as providing its own 3D interface.
  • Chute Maven (Hustrulid Technologies Inc.)Spherical Discrete Element Modeling in 3 Dimensions. Directly reads in AutoCad dxf files and interfaces with SolidWorks.
  • EDEM (DEM Solutions Ltd.)General-purpose DEM simulation with CAD import of particle and machine geometry, GUI-based model set-up, extensive post-processing tools, progammable API, couples with CFD, FEA and MBD software.
  • GROMOS 96
  • MIMESa variety of particle shapes can be used in 2D
  • PASSAGE/DEM(PASSAGE/DEM Software is for predicting the flow particles under a wide variety of forces.)
  • PFC (2D & 3D)Particle Flow Code.
  • SimPARTIXDEM and SPH simulation package from Fraunhofer IWM
  • StarCCM+Engineering analysis suite for solving problems involving flow (of fluids or solids), heat transfer and stress.
  • UDECand 3DECTwo- and three-dimensional simulation of the response of discontinuous media (such as jointed rock) that is subject to either static or dynamic loading.
  • DEMpackDiscrete / finite element simulation software in 2D and 3D, user interface based on GiD.
  • MFIX

See also

  • Movable Cellular Automata
  • Finite element method
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