cfx5 solve:Command-Line Options and Keywords

2016-10-07  by:CAE仿真在線  來(lái)源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)

Command-Line Options and Keywords for cfx5solve

A.NSYS C.FX-Solver M.anager U.ser's G.uide |Starting the CFX-Solver from the Command Line |
The command-line options forcfx5solveare described below. To see command-line help, run cfx5solve -help.


When running the solver from the command line using a CFX-Solver input file or CFX-Solver results file, any execution control CCL contained in the file takes precedence over the command-line options.

If an option is specified multiple times within the context of a specific configuration, then the last specification of the option takes precedence.

Command-Line Options

Alternative form


-ansys-arguments <arguments>


For an ANSYS Multi-field run, enables you to specify any additional options when starting the Mechanical application solver. The specified options are passed to the Mechanical application solver as command-line arguments. For details, seeMultiField Tab.

-ansys-input <file>


For an ANSYS Multi-field run, specifies the Mechanical application input file to use. For details, seeMultiField Tab.



For an ANSYS Multi-field run, this turns off the Processing Mechanical input file option. For details, seeMultiField Tab.

-ansys-installation <directory>


For an ANSYS Multi-field run, sets the ANSYS installation directory. This option is needed only if ANSYS is installed in a non-standard location. For details, seeMultiField Tab.

-ansys-jobname <name>


For an ANSYS Multi-field run, sets the jobname for the Mechanical application component of the simulation. The CFX-Solver Manager defaults this toANSYS. On a restart, the jobname must be the same as for an initial run.

-ansys-license <licensekey>


For an ANSYS Multi-field run, sets the license that the Mechanical application solver should use. For details, seeMultiField Tab.

-ansys-restart <file>


For an ANSYS Multi-field run, tells CFX that the Mechanical application component of the simulation is a restart, and gives the database (*.dbor*.rdb) from the previous Mechanical application run to be used for the restart. For details, seeMultiField Tab.

-bak-elapsed-time <elapsed time frequency>

-baket <elapsed time frequency>

Causes the flow solver to write a backup file every <elapsed time frequency> hours, minutes, seconds, et cetera. Elapsed time must be in quotes and have units in square brackets. For example:-baket “10 [min]”or-baket “5 [hr]”.



Starts CFX-Solver in batch mode (that is, without starting the CFX-Solver Manager interface).

-bg-ccl <file>


Reads Command Language from the named file, and uses it to provide defaults for the current run. If the file specifies a CFX-Solver input file for the run, the command language contained in that CFX-Solver input file will take precedence over that supplied. Also see the-ccloption.

-ccl <file>


Reads additional Command Language from the named file. Overrides any CFX Command Language specified in the CFX-Solver input file. If<file>is the single character '-', the Command Language is read from the standard input (usually the terminal). If any settings are made in the Command Language file which also occur on the command line to the left of the-ccloption, the settings in the file will take precedence, as stated above. This option may be repeated to include Command Language from more than one file.[a]

-ccl2flow <executable>


Starts <executable> instead of the standard ANSYS CFXccl2flow.

-cclsetup <executable>


Starts <executable> instead of the standard ANSYS CFXcclsetup.

-chdir <directory>


Sets the working directory as specified.



When running in batch mode, this will causecfx5solveto verify its options, but exit before starting any processes, and is mostly for use by CFX-Solver Manager.

-config <configuration name>


Applies subsequent options to the specified configuration.

-continue-from-file <file>

-cont-from-file <file>

Uses initial values and continues the run from the specified CFX-Solver results file. The mesh from the CFX-Solver input file is used unless the-use-mesh-from-ivoption is also specified. Only one -continue-from-file argument can be supplied. SeeContinuing the History in ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guidefor more details.

-continue-from-configuration <configuration name>

-cont-from-config <configuration name>

Uses initial values and continues the run from the most recent results for the named configuration. The mesh from the configuration (.cfg) file is used unless the-use-mesh-from-ivoption is also specified. Only one -continue-from-configuration argument can be supplied. SeeContinuing the History in ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guidefor more details.

-cplg-host <port@host>


For an ANSYS Multi-field run, specifies CFX-Solver which Port Number and Host Name to use to communicate with the Mechanical application solver. For details, seeMultiField Tab.

-definition <file>

-def <file>

Uses<file>as the solver input file for a single configuration simulation. This may be a CFX-Solver input file or a CFX-Solver results file for a restart. The file specified is used in the same way as the input file on the Define Run dialog box. For details, seeDefine Run Command. Also see the-mdefoption.

-display <display>


(UNIX only) Uses the X11 server<display>instead of the X11 server defined by theDISPLAYenvironment variable.



Starts the double-precision version of ANSYS CFX Partitioner, Interpolator and Solver. Also see the-singleoption.

-example <file>

-eg <file>

Starts the CFX-Solver using one of the example CFX-Solver input files provided with the product. The exampleStaticMixeris currently available.

-fullname <name>


Specifies the basename for the CFX-Solver output file, CFX-Solver results file, and the temporary directory based on <name> instead of the CFX-Solver input file name. No numerical suffix (such as_001) is added to the specified name.



Displays the help information for command-line options.

-initial <file>

-ini <file>

Uses the initial values in the CFX-Solver results file<file>. The mesh from this results file is used unless the-interpolate-ivoption is also specified. This option has been deprecated and should be replaced by-initial-fileor-continue-from-fileas appropriate.

-initial-configuration <configuration name>

-ini-conf <configuration name>

Uses initial values from the most recent results for the named configuration as a basic initial guess for the run. The run history from this file is discarded. The mesh from this results file is used unless the-interpolate-ivoption is also specified. SeeContinuing the History in ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guidefor more details.

-initial-file <file>

-ini-file <file>

Uses initial values from the specified CFX-Solver Results file as a basic initial guess for the run. The run history from this file is discarded. The mesh from the configuration (.cfg) file or the CFX-Solver input file is used unless the-use-mesh-from-ivoption is also specified. SeeContinuing the History in ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guidefor more details.




Starts CFX-Solver Manager in graphic user interface (GUI) mode. The CFX-Solver Manager interface allows an interactive control for starting a new run and/or manage or monitor an existing run.



Interpolates the solution from the initial values file, if one is supplied (using the-initialoption), onto the mesh from the CFX-Solver input file, rather than using the mesh from the initial values file. This option has been deprecated and should be replaced by the-initial-fileor-continue-from-fileoption, as appropriate.



When running with the solver-based interpolator (-interp-ivoption), this option will select the double-precision version of the interpolator. It will not override the-interpolatoroption if both are used.



Uses the single precision ANSYS CFX Interpolator executable.

-interpolator <executable>


When running with the interpolator (-interp-ivoption), this option will start<executable>instead of the default interpolator.



Keeps the.jobfile after an ANSYS CFX Solver run. This file contains a brief summary of various solution values, and is most useful for regression purposes.



Keeps job file after an ANSYS CFX Partitioner run. This file contains a brief summary of various solution values, and is most useful for regression purposes.

-max-elapsed-time <elapsed time>

-maxet <elapsed time>

Sets the maximum elapsed time (wall clock time) that CFX-Solver will run. Elapsed time must be in quotes and have correct units in square brackets. For example:-maxet “10 [min]”or-maxet “5 [hr]”.

-mdefinition <file>

-mdef <file>

Uses<file>as the solver input file. This may be a multi-configuration definition file or results file for a restart (that is,.mdefor.mres, respectively). The file specified is used in the same way as the input file on the Define Run dialog box. For details, seeDefine Run Command.

-mfx-run-mode <mode>


Use this option to specify one of the following MFX run modes for an ANSYS Multi-field run:

"Start ANSYS and CFX"

"Start ANSYS only"

"Start CFX only"

"Process Input File only"

For details, seeMultiField Tab.

-monitor <file>


When starting ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager, use this option to monitor the run represented by<file>, which may be a CFX-Solver results file or CFX-Solver output file.



Treats the CFX-Solver input file as a multi-configuration input file.

-name <name>


Specifies the basename for exported files and the temporary directory based on the problem name<name>instead of the CFX-Solver input file name, unless other names are explicitly defined.

This name cannot be set when using the CFX-Solver Manager to start the CFX-Solver.



Use this option to preprocess the CFX-Solver input file only, without running the solver executable. When used with a multi-configuration CFX-Solver input file, this option produces complete solver input files for the individual configuration (.cfg) files. When used with the "-config" option, only the specified configuration is preprocessed.

-par-dist <host-list>


Use this option to set the comma-separated<host-list>in the same form as is used in the Command Language definition. This option does not require the-partitionoption, as one partition is run on each host mentioned in the list. To run multiple partitions on the same host, it may be listed multiple times, or an asterisk may be used with the count, as in"wallaby*3,kangaroo*4"for a 7-partition run.

Host details are taken from thehostinfo.cclfile, if they are there; otherwise, if possible, the required information will be automatically detected.<host>may be specified as[<user>@]<hostname>[:<CFX_ROOT>], if the user name or the ANSYS CFX installation root directory differs from the local host.

-par-host-list <host1> [,<host2> [,...]]


When running in parallel, uses the specified host list. See the-par-distoption for details of the host list. This option defaults to PVM Local Parallel on UNIX/Linux platforms and HP MPI Local Parallel on Windows.



When running in parallel, uses only the local host. This will override the-par-distor-par-host-listoptions.



Starts the solver in parallel mode. This option can be combined with-partitionfor a partitioning run. If the-partoption is not specified, then the-parfile-readoption must be used to specify a valid partitioning information file.

-parfile-read <parfile>


Specifies the name of an input partition file used to set up a partitioning or parallel run.


Only *.par files that are generated in ANSYS CFX 12.0 (or later) are supported. For details, seeCFX Partition File.



When used with a parallel run, saves the partitioning information to a file with the same basename as the results file, and the extension.par.

-parfile-write <parfile>


Specifies the name of a partition file to which to write the information from a partitioning run.

-partition <number of partitions>

-part <number of partitions>

Starts the solver in partitioning mode. This option should not be used if an existing partition file is also specified.

-partitioner <executable>


Starts<executable>instead of the standard partitioner.



Activates coupled partitioning mode for multidomain problems. This is not activated by default.



Activates independent partitioning mode for multidomain problems. This is the default.



Starts the large problem partitioner which can partition problems up to 2^31-1 elements. This partitioner uses 64-bit integer and logical variables so it will allocate more memory than the default partitioning executable.

-part-mode <mode>


Sets the partitioning mode to use when running the partitioner. Valid options aremetis-kway(MeTiS k-way),metis-rec(MeTiS Recursive Bisection),simple(Simple Assignment),drcb(Directional Recursive Coordinate Bisection),orcb(Optimized Recursive Coordinate Bisection),rcb(Recursive Coordinate Bisection)

Finer control over the partitioning method is available through the Command Language.

-part-only <number of partitions>


Starts the solver in partitioning mode only. This is normally equivalent to-part, but may be necessary if partitioning a results file from a previous run.



Uses the single precision ANSYS CFX Partitioner. This is the default, but is provided for overriding any information which might be stored in the CFX Command Language dataset in a file from previous runs. Also see the-doubleoption.

-preferred-license <license name>

-P <license name>

Sets the first license used by solver, given the availability of multiple usable licenses.

-priority <level>

-pri <level>

Enables the specification of a job priority to a solver run; the allowed values areIdle(0),Low(1),Standard(2), andHigh(3). The default value on UNIX platforms isHigh, which corresponds to nice increment of 0. On Windows, the default isStandard, corresponding to a priority level of Normal.



Use this option to avoid deleting any temporary files after the run. Normally the standard temporary files created by CFX-Solver are deleted automatically after each run.



Use this option to explicitly specify that a serial run is required. This is useful when restarting a run from a results file produced by a parallel run, where this option forces a serial run instead.



Starts the single-precision version of the CFX-Solver, Partitioner, and Interpolator. This is the default, but is provided for overriding any information which might be stored in the CFX Command Language dataset in a file from a previous run. Also see the-doubleoption.

-size <factor>

-S <factor>

-s <factor>

Changes memory estimates used by the CFX-Solver by a factor of<factor>. Memory estimates are sometimes inaccurate and this option needs to be used to increase the memory allocated. For example, using-size 1.05increases memory allocated by 5%. This option provides the same functionality as set in Solver Memory. For details, seeSolver Tab.

Further options for controlling the CFX-Solver memory allocation are available. Executecfx5solve -helpfor full details.

-size-cat <size>

-size-nr <size>

-size-ni <size>

-size-nd <size>

-size-nc <size>

-size-nl <size>

-scat <size>

-nr <size>

-ni <size>

-nd <size>

-nc <size>

-nl <size>

These flags are for advanced users to change the memory allocation parameters for the solver. Usually, you should use the-sizeoption instead.<size>is the desired memory allocation in words, and may have K or M appended for kilo or mega. If the suffix is 'x', then the number is treated as a multiplier.

-size-cclsetup <factor>

-sizeccl <factor>

Changes the memory estimates used by the ANSYS CFXcclsetupexecutable by a factor of <factor>.

-size-cclsetup-cat <size>

-size-cclsetup-nr <size>

-size-cclsetup-ni <size>

-size-cclsetup-nd <size>

-size-cclsetup-nc <size>

-size-cclsetup-nl <size>

-scatccl <size>

-nrccl <size>

-niccl <size>

-ndccl <size>

-ncccl <size>

-nlccl <size>

These options are the same as the-size-*options above, but provide sizes needed for the ANSYS CFX CCL Setup executable.

-size-interp <factor>

-sizeint <factor>

Changes the memory estimates used by the solver-based interpolator by a factor of<factor>. Also see the-sizeoption.

-size-interp-cat <size>

-size-interp-nr <size>

-size-interp-ni <size>

-size-interp-nd <size>

-size-interp-nc <size>

-size-interp-nl <size>

-scatint <size>

-nrint <size>

-niint <size>

-ndint <size>

-ncint <size>

-nlint <size>

These options are the same as the-size-*options above, but provide sizes needed for the ANSYS CFX Interpolator.

-size-mms <factor>

-smms <factor>

Changes the initial MMS catalogue size estimate used by the CFX-Solver by a factor of<factor>. This option has been deprecated and should be replaced by-size-cat.

-size-part-mms <factor>

-smmspar <factor>

Changes the initial MMS catalogue size estimate used by the partitioner by a factor of<factor>. This option has been deprecated and should be replaced by-size-part-cat.

-size-part <factor>

-size-par <factor>

-sizepart <factor>

-sizepar <factor>

Changes the memory estimates used by the ANSYS CFX Partitioner by a factor of<factor>. Also see the-sizeoption. Further options for controlling the partitioner memory allocation are available. Executecfx5solve -helpfor full details.

-size-part-cat <size>

-size-part-nr <size>

-size-part-ni <size>

-size-part-nd <size>

-size-part-nc <size>

-size-part-nl <size>

-scatpar <size>

-nrpar <size>

-nipar <size>

-ndpar <size>

-ncpar <size>

-nlpar <size>

These options are the same as the-size-*options, but provide sizes needed forpartitionerrather thansolver.

-solver [<os>=]<executable>, <os>=<executable>[...]]

-exec [<os>=]<executable> [,<os>=<executable>[, ...]]

Starts<executable>instead of the standard ANSYS CFX solver on<os>, where<os>is the short architecture string for the desired operating system. If<os>is omitted, then the current operating system is assumed.

For example: the command-line option-solver "linux-amd64/mysolver.exe,linux=linux/mysolver.exe"uses the executable "linux-amd64/mysolver.exe" for the current operating system and the executable "linux/mysolver.exe" for the "linux" operating system. Full paths or paths relative to the working directory may be used when specifying solver executables. In this example, it is worth noting that the current operating system is presumed to be "linux-amd64", and that the "linux-amd64/mysolver.exe" and "linux/mysolver.exe" will be used for all solvers running on "linux-amd64" and "linux" operating systems, respectively.

The string value for<os>can be determined by running the following command:

  • On Unix-like systems, execute<CFXROOT>/bin/cfx5info -os.

  • On a Windows system, execute<CFXROOT>\bin\cfx5info -os.

where<CFXROOT>is the path to your installation of ANSYS CFX.



Uses the single precision ANSYS CFX Solver.



Uses the double precision ANSYS CFX Solver.

-start-method <name>


Uses the named start method to start the solver. This option allows you to use different parallel methods, as listed in the CFX-Solver Manager GUI, instead of the defaults. For parallel runs, you also need to provide the-partor-par-distoptions.



Uses the mesh from the source initial values (that is, from a file or configuration) rather than from the solver input file. This is only valid if a single initial-values source is specified.



Specifying this option may result in additional output being sent to the standard output file (normally the screen).

[a]Locators for applying physics cannot be modified using the-ccloption; they can, however, be changed in CFX-Pre.

ANSYS CFX, Release 12.0


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