
2017-03-28  by:CAE仿真在線  來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)


將REFPROP V7安裝在C:\Program Files\REFPROP下
將Matlab安裝在D:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2010a下

將REFPROP V8安裝在C:\Program Files\REFPROP下
將Matlab安裝在D:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2010a下



% refpropm Thermophysical properties of pure substances and mixtures.
% Calling sequence for pure substances:
% result=refpropm(prop_req, spec1, value1, spec2, value2, substance1)
% Calling predefined mixtures:
% result=refpropm(prop_req, spec1, value1, spec2, value2, mixture1)
% Calling user defined mixtures:
% result=refpropm(prop_req, spec1, value1, spec2, value2,
% substance1, substance2, ..., x)
% where
% prop_req character string showing the requested properties
% Each property is represented by one character:
% 0 Refprop DLL version number
% A Speed of sound [m/s]
% B Volumetric expansivity (beta) [1/K]
% C Cp [J/(kg K)]
% D Density [kg/m3]
% E dP/dT (along the saturation line) [kPa/K]
% F Fugacity [kPa] (returned as an array)
% G Gross heating value [J/kg]
% H Enthalpy [J/kg]
% I Surface tension [N/m]
% J Isenthalpic Joule-Thompson coeff [K/kPa]
% K Ratio of specific heats (Cp/Cv) [-]
% L Thermal conductivity [W/(m K)]
% M Molar mass [g/mol]
% N Net heating value [J/kg]
% O Cv [J/(kg K)]
% P Pressure [kPa]
% Q Quality (vapor fraction) (kg/kg)
% R d(rho)/dP (constant T) [kg/kPa]
% S Entropy [J/(kg K)]
% T Temperature [K]
% U Internal energy [J/kg]
% V Dynamic viscosity [Pa*s]
% W d(rho)/dT (constant p)[kg/(m^3 K)]
% X Liquid phase & gas phase comp.(mass frac.)
% Z Compressibility factor
% + Liquid density of equilibrium phase
% - Vapor density of equilibrium phase
% ! dH/d(rho) (constant T) [(J/kg)/(kg/m^3)]
% @ dH/dT (constant rho) [J/(kg K)]
% # dP/dT (constant rho) [kPa/K]
% $ Kinematic viscosity [cm^2/s]
% % Thermal diffusivity [cm^2/s]
% ^ Prandtl number [-]
% spec1 first input character: T, P, H, D, C, R, or M
% T, P, H, D: see above
% C: properties at the critical point
% R: properties at the triple point
% M: properties at Tmax and Pmax
% (Note: if a fluid's lower limit is higher
% than the triple point, the lower limit will
% be returned)
% value1 first input value
% spec2 second input character: P, D, H, S, U or Q
% value2 second input value
% substance1 file name of the pure fluid (or the first
% component of the mixture)
% mixture1 file name of the predefined fluid mixture
% with the extension ".mix" included
% substance2,substance3,...substanceN
% name of the other substances in the
% mixture. Up to 20 substances can be handled.
% Valid substance names are equal to the file names
% in the C:\Program Files\REFPROP\fluids\' directory.
% x vector with mass fractions of the substances
% in the mixture.
% Examples:
% 1) P = refpropm('P','T',373.15,'Q',0,'water') gives
% Vapor pressure of water at 373.15 K in [kPa]
% 2) [S Cp] = refpropm('SC','T',373.15,'Q',1,'water') gives
% Entropy and Cp of saturated steam at 373.15 K
% 3) D = refpropm('D','T',323.15,'P',1e2,'water','ammonia',[0.9 0.1])
% Density of a 10% ammonia/water solution at 100 kPa and 323.15 K.
% 4) [x y] = refpropm('X','P',5e2,'Q',0.4,'R134a','R32',[0.8, 0.2])
% Temperature as well as gas and liquid compositions for a mixture
% of two refrigerants at a certain pressure and quality.
% Note that, when 'X' is requested, two variables must be sent, the
% first contains the liquid phase composition and the second
% the vapor phase composition.
% 5) P=refpropm('T','C',0,' ',0,'water')
% Critical temperature
% 6) T=refpropm('T','M',0,' ',0,'r410a.mix')
% Maximum temperature that can be used to call properties.
% Shows how to call a predefined mixture.
% Originally based on the file refpropm.f90.
% Credits:
% Paul M. Brown, Ramgen Power Systems, Inc. 2004-05-17
% Modified input parameters to make 'HS' calls
% Interface now handles 'HP', 'HD' and 'HT' as well
% Fixed P_rp calculation for spec2='P' case (moved calc earlier)
% Added property requests for Cv (O), gamma (K) and speed of sound (A)
% Johannes Lux, German Aerospace Center 2006-03-30
% Modified input pressure unit back to [Pa]
% Interface now works with Matlab R2006a (.mexw32 file format instead of .dll file format)
% Continuation lines modified to be compatible with Compaq Visual Fortran 9.0
% No wrong results return with the first call anymore
% Changed name to "refpropm.f90" to avoid name conflicts with Matlab
% Function call is for example:
% refpropm(prop_req, spec1, value1, spec2, value2, substance1)
% Fluid files are located in C:\Program Files\REFPROP\fluids\
% new version 7.2 beta, compiled using Matlab R2006a (2006-10-08)
% new version 7.2 beta (2006-10-24), compiled using Matlab R2006a
% new version 8.0 beta (2007-01-18), compiled using Matlab R2006b
% Modified input pressure unit back to [kPa] (2007-02-22)
% Chris Muzny, NIST
% made changes for 2009a compatibility and 64-bit execution
% Eric Lemmon, NIST
% allow .ppf files to be loaded
% allow .mix files to be loaded
% add molar mass, heating values
% add HQ input, critical parameters
% add fugacity, beta, dH/d(rho)
% Keith Wait, Ph.D, GE Appliances 2011-07-01
% Translated to Matlab native code, known to work against Matlab
% 2010b. Fortran compiler no longer necessary to add new properties,
% make other modifications.
% Added outputs B, E, F, J, and R.
% HQ input regressed.

《MATLAB圖像濾波去噪分析及其應(yīng)用》,雙線性濾波、Kirsch濾波、超限鄰域濾波、逆濾波、雙邊濾波、同態(tài)濾波、小波濾波、六抽頭濾波、約束最小平方濾波、非線性復(fù)擴(kuò)散濾波、Lee濾波、Gabor濾波、Wiener濾波、Kuwahara濾波、Beltrami流濾波、Lucy Richardson濾波、NoLocalMeans濾波等研究內(nèi)容。


第1章 圖像顏色空間相互轉(zhuǎn)換與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
1.1 圖像顏色空間原理
1.1.1 RGB顏色空間
1.1.2 YCbCr顏色空間
1.1.3 YUV顏色空間
1.1.4 YIQ顏色空間
1.1.5 HSV顏色空間
1.1.6 HSL顏色空間
1.1.7 HSI顏色空間
1.1.8 CIE顏色空間
1.1.9 LUV顏色空間
1.1.10 LAB顏色空間
1.1.11 LCH 顏色空間
1.2 顏色空間轉(zhuǎn)換與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
1.2.1 圖像YCbCr與RGB空間相互轉(zhuǎn)換及MATLAB實現(xiàn)
1.2.2 圖像YUV與RGB空間相互轉(zhuǎn)換及MATLAB實現(xiàn)
1.2.3 圖像YIQ與RGB空間相互轉(zhuǎn)換及MATLAB實現(xiàn)
1.2.4 圖像HSV與RGB空間相互轉(zhuǎn)換及MATLAB實現(xiàn)
1.2.5 圖像HSL與RGB空間相互轉(zhuǎn)換及MATLAB實現(xiàn)
1.2.6 圖像HSI與RGB空間相互轉(zhuǎn)換及MATLAB實現(xiàn)
1.2.7 圖像LUV與RGB空間相互轉(zhuǎn)換及MATLAB實現(xiàn)
1.2.8 圖像LAB與RGB空間相互轉(zhuǎn)換及MATLAB實現(xiàn)
1.2.9 圖像LCH 與RGB空間相互轉(zhuǎn)換及MATLAB實現(xiàn)
第2章 圖像噪聲概率密度分布與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
2.1 噪聲概率密度分布函數(shù)
2.1.1 均勻分布
2.1.2 正態(tài)分布
2.1.3 卡方分布
2.1.4 F分布
2.1.5 t分布
2.1.6 Beta分布
2.1.7 指數(shù)分布
2.1.8 Gamma分布
2.1.9 對數(shù)正態(tài)分布
2.1.10 瑞利分布
2.1.11 威布爾分布
2.1.12 二項分布
2.1.13 幾何分布
2.1.14 泊松分布
2.1.15 柯西分布
2.2 圖像噪聲的產(chǎn)生與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
2.2.1 圖像噪聲均勻分布與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
2.2.2 圖像噪聲正態(tài)分布與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
2.2.3 圖像噪聲卡方分布與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
2.2.4 圖像噪聲F分布與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
2.2.5 圖像噪聲t分布與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
2.2.6 圖像噪聲Beta分布與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
2.2.7 圖像噪聲指數(shù)分布與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
2.2.8 圖像噪聲伽馬分布與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
2.2.9 圖像噪聲對數(shù)正態(tài)分布與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
2.2.10 圖像噪聲瑞利分布與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
2.2.11 圖像噪聲威布爾分布與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
2.2.12 圖像噪聲二項分布與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
2.2.13 圖像噪聲幾何分布與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
2.2.14 圖像噪聲泊松分布與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
2.2.15 圖像噪聲柯西分布與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
第3章 理想濾波器設(shè)計與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
3.1 理想濾波算法原理
3.2 理想帶阻濾波
3.2.1 算法原理
3.2.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
3.3 理想低通濾波
3.3.1 算法原理
3.3.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
3.4 理想高通濾波
3.4.1 算法原理
3.4.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
3.5 理想陷波濾波
3.5.1 算法原理
3.5.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
第4章 巴特沃斯濾波器設(shè)計與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
4.1 巴特沃斯濾波算法原理
4.2 巴特沃斯帶阻濾波
4.2.1 算法原理
4.2.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
4.3 巴特沃斯低通濾波
4.3.1 算法原理
4.3.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
4.4 巴特沃斯高通濾波
4.4.1 算法原理
4.4.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
4.5 巴特沃斯陷波濾波
4.5.1 算法原理
4.5.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
第5章 高斯濾波器設(shè)計與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
5.1 高斯濾波算法原理
5.2 高斯帶阻濾波
5.2.1 算法原理
5.2.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
5.3 高斯低通濾波
5.3.1 算法原理
5.3.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
5.4 高斯高通濾波
5.4.1 算法原理
5.4.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
5.5 高斯陷波濾波
5.5.1 算法原理
5.5.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
第6章 線性濾波器設(shè)計與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
6.1 線性平滑濾波
6.1.1 算法原理
6.1.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
6.2 雙線性插值濾波
6.2.1 算法原理
6.2.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
第7章 銳化濾波器設(shè)計與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
7.1 圖像銳化處理
7.2 線性銳化濾波
7.2.1 算法原理
7.2.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
7.3 Sobel濾波
7.3.1 算法原理
7.3.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
7.4 Canny濾波
7.4.1 算法原理
7.4.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
7.5 Prewitt濾波
7.5.1 算法原理
7.5.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
7.6 Roberts濾波
7.6.1 算法原理
7.6.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
7.7 拉普拉斯濾波
7.7.1 算法原理
7.7.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
7.8 Kirsch濾波
7.8.1 算法原理
7.8.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
第8章 常用平滑濾波器設(shè)計與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
8.1 平滑濾波算法原理
8.2 幾何均值濾波
8.2.1 算法原理
8.2.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
8.3 排序濾波
8.3.1 算法原理
8.3.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
8.4 中值濾波
8.4.1 算法原理
8.4.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
8.5 自適應(yīng)平滑濾波
8.5.1 算法原理
8.5.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
8.6 自適應(yīng)中值濾波
8.6.1 算法原理
8.6.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
8.7 超限鄰域濾波
8.7.1 算法原理
8.7.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
第9章 諧波均值濾波器設(shè)計與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
9.1 諧波均值濾波
9.1.1 算法原理
9.1.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
9.2 逆諧波均值濾波
9.2.1 算法原理
9.2.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
第10章 高級濾波器設(shè)計與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
10.1 逆濾波
10.1.1 算法原理
10.1.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
10.2 雙邊濾波
10.2.1 算法原理
10.2.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
10.3 同態(tài)濾波
10.3.1 算法原理
10.3.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
10.4 小波濾波
10.4.1 算法原理
10.4.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
10.5 六抽頭插值濾波
10.5.1 算法原理
10.5.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
10.6 形態(tài)學(xué)濾波
10.6.1 算法原理
10.6.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
10.7 約束最小平方濾波
10.7.1 算法原理
10.7.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
10.8 非線性復(fù)擴(kuò)散濾波
10.8.1 算法原理
10.8.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
第11章 特殊濾波器設(shè)計與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
11.1 Lee濾波
11.1.1 算法原理
11.1.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
11.2 Gabor濾波
11.2.1 算法原理
11.2.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
11.3 Wiener濾波
11.3.1 算法原理
11.3.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
11.4 Kuwahara濾波
11.4.1 算法原理
11.4.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
11.5 Beltrami流濾波
11.5.1 算法原理
11.5.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
11.6 Lucy-Richardson濾波
11.6.1 算法原理
11.6.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)
11.7 Non-Local Means濾波
11.7.1 算法原理
11.7.2 算法仿真與MATLAB實現(xiàn)


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