MicroWave Journal雜志—用CST工作室套裝2016進(jìn)行準(zhǔn)確的仿真

2016-12-11  by:CAE仿真在線  來(lái)源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)

Accuracy in Simulation with CST STUDIO SUITE 2016


CST® STUDIO SUITE® is an electromagnetic simulation tool used to design, analyze and optimize devices and systems at all stages of the development process. It is used in industries as diverse as electronics, automotive, aerospace, medical and energy, and covers the electromagnetic spectrum from statics to optics. By replacing physical prototypes with virtual ones, engineers can study how their products work at the earliest stages of design and reduce the number of physical models that need to be constructed.


For virtual prototyping to be a viable option, the simulation tools need to be accurate without sacrificing performance. For this reason, the release of CST STUDIO SUITE 2016 builds on the success of previous versions with a range of new features that make the analysis of systems more powerful while building on CST’s reputation for accuracy.


Characteristic Mode Analysis 特征模式分析

Characteristic Mode Analysis (CMA) is a technique developed to provide physical insight into the behavior of a conducting surface by calculating the current-modes that it can support. For example, CMA can be used on a patch antenna to identify the resonant frequencies of the patch. This allows engineers to tune the antenna to the correct frequencies and determine where to place the feed to couple into a particular radiating mode. Figure 1 demonstrates one typical application of CMA to calculate the modes on a GSM-900 PIFA antenna.


The CMA tool is integrated into the method-of-moments (MOM) Integral Equation Solver in CST STUDIO SUITE, and calculates the modal significance (a measure of which modes are dominant at a particular frequency), far field radiation pattern and surface current distribution associated with each mode, with automatic mode-tracking. These features are particularly useful for analyzing and optimizing printed antennas, which often have to be compact and multiband.

特征模式分析技術(shù)(CMA)集成在CST工作室套裝2016版頻域矩量法求解器中(MOM Integral Equation Solver),可用于計(jì)算特征模式強(qiáng)度(求解在特定頻率下哪些是主要模式),遠(yuǎn)場(chǎng)輻射模式,特征模式的表面電流分布。這些功能特別有利于多頻,高密度印刷天線的設(shè)計(jì)和優(yōu)化。

MicroWave Journal雜志—用CST工作室套裝2016進(jìn)行準(zhǔn)確的仿真CST電磁分析圖片1

Figure 1 The first four modes on a GSM-900 PIFA antennacalculated with CMA.

圖一:用特征模式分析(CMA)計(jì)算的GSM-900 PIFA天線的前四個(gè)特征模式

Representing Reality 真實(shí)物理現(xiàn)象的準(zhǔn)確描述

To be useful to engineers, a simulation needs to accurately represent the physical system. CST STUDIO SUITE offers an extensive library of material types, such as lossy metals, ferrites and nonlinear materials. The 2016 version adds new advanced types, including arbitrary graded materials and perforated materials. Measured or simulated data can now be used to generate realistic thin panel materials to be included in models. This is particularly useful for modeling composite materials, such as carbon fiber, which have complex electromagnetic properties due to their structure.


Nonlinear circuit elements can be integrated directly into 3D EM simulations through CST’s True Transient EM/Circuit Co-Simulation. In CST STUDIO SUITE 2016, the link between circuit and EM simulation is strengthened further by the new Combine Results in Transient Task feature. This allows the results of a 3D simulation to be included in a transient circuit simulation with no post-processing required. This is a feature that will benefit EMC engineers, for example, who need to simulate the behavior of electronic systems affected by pulses or realistic digital signals.

CST純瞬態(tài)場(chǎng)路同步協(xié)同仿真可以將非線性電路元器件直接集成到三維電磁仿真中。CST工作室套裝2016版將這個(gè)獨(dú)有的純瞬態(tài)場(chǎng)路同步協(xié)同仿真擴(kuò)展到了瞬態(tài)電路激勵(lì)信號(hào)上,使得在CST DS中通過(guò)Transient Task也可以實(shí)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)路協(xié)同仿真。對(duì)于強(qiáng)非線性設(shè)備,對(duì)于真實(shí)信號(hào)激勵(lì)下的雜波頻譜進(jìn)行分析,這是電磁兼容EMC工程師最為需要的。

Improved Meshing 更加優(yōu)化的網(wǎng)格

The accuracy and performance of a simulation are heavily dependent on the quality of the mesh which describes the structure. Achieving very high mesh quality has previously led to innovations including PERFECT BOUNDARY APPROXIMATION (PBA)® for hexahedral meshes, True Geometry Approximation for curved tetrahedral meshes, and intelligent mesh engines for more efficient discretization. Two important new features have now been added to the repertoire: hybrid curved surface meshing and moving mesh optimization. The surface mesh used by the Integral Equation Solver is very efficient for structures such as reflector antennas and vehicle bodies, which are constructed from large, thin sheets of metal.


With the new version, the surface mesh can now use a hybrid combination of triangular and quadrilateral mesh cells, and these polygons can be curved and conformal to the structure (see Figure 2). This means that a structure can be discretized very accurately with fewer mesh cells compared to traditional meshes, which can accelerate simulation significantly.


Moving mesh optimization is most useful when designing and tuning highly sensitive structures such as filters, which are usually described using a tetrahedral mesh. At each step of an optimization of such a structure, the model geometry changes slightly, which means that the mesh needs to change as well. Instead of recalculating the mesh from scratch, CST STUDIO SUITE 2016 can instead adjust the previous mesh to fit the new structure. This speeds up the meshing process, and can also improve accuracy by reducing the noise associated with repeated mesh generation.


A range of other improvements to the mesh engines include more intelligent mesh adaptation, sliding meshes for moving part simulation, and the ability to define mesh-independent parameters.

MicroWave Journal雜志—用CST工作室套裝2016進(jìn)行準(zhǔn)確的仿真CST電磁分析圖片2

Figure 2 Hybrid curved mesh on a parabolicreflector with double dipole splashplate feed.


High-Performance Computing 高性能計(jì)算

For very large or complex simulations that approach the limits of conventional computing hardware, high-performance computing (HPC) can offer significant time advantages. CST STUDIO SUITE supports multithreading and multi-CPU parallelization in shared memory environments, hardware acceleration (Nvidia® Tesla® GPU and Intel® Xeon Phi®), and cluster computing using distributed computing and MPI.


It was recently certified as Intel® Cluster Ready, and its cluster computing capabilities have been expanded with the ability to perform True-Transient EM/Circuit Co-Simulation on MPI clusters. In addition, the Asymptotic Solver now also supports GPU acceleration, which can significantly speed up bistatic radar simulations and other simulations with large numbers of observation points.

CST工作室套裝軟件已通過(guò)英特爾集群計(jì)算(Intel® Cluster Ready)認(rèn)證。目前可以在集群上提供純瞬態(tài)場(chǎng)路同步協(xié)同仿真。此外,CST高頻漸近求解器也支持GPU加速,使得雙站RCS仿真速度得以大大的提高。


CST has supported Linux in HPC compute cluster environments for many years. This allowed simulation jobs to run in batch mode without user interaction. However, Linux-based operating systems are now becoming increasingly common for workstations, and CST STUDIO SUITE 2016 can now be used interactively directly on a Linux machine. This includes the powerful 3D modeling tools and results viewer, greatly increasing the number of tasks that can be performed entirely in a Linux environment.



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