聲學仿真軟件ACTRAN 常見問題FAQ ①
2016-11-17 by:CAE仿真在線 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)
1. 軟件安裝
2. License安裝
a) 安裝license時,需要首先將actranlicensing.rar解壓縮到Actran的安裝目錄中。
b) 檢查對應的license文件,確保第一行的機器名和網(wǎng)卡號正確
c) 在actranlicensing\bin目錄下執(zhí)行lmtools.exe,選擇config services頁,如下圖所示:
d) 在service name欄輸入license server服務名稱,如”actran”
e) 在path to the lmgrd.exe file欄選擇使用的lmgrd文件,lmgrd.exe文件和lmtools.exe在同一個目錄下
f) 在path to the license file欄選擇正確的license文件
g) 在path to the debug log file欄任意輸入創(chuàng)建的log文件名
h) 在start server at power up和use services框中均打上勾
i) 點擊save services
j) 右鍵單擊“我的電腦”,選擇“屬性”->“高級”->“環(huán)境變量”,在系統(tǒng)變量中添加一個環(huán)境變量actran_license=7007@ip_address,如下圖所示:
3. 軟件執(zhí)行
4. Q: ACTRAN是否具有ISO-9001或者類似的質量認證體系?
A: ACTRAN具備基于大量測試算例與工程應用案例的質量保證體系,可以有效保障ACTRAN所有軟件計算特征的質量。各種測試案例都在不間斷的反復運行中,我們可以實時檢測到存在的隱患并及時排除。同時,對于新版本開發(fā)引發(fā)的新老問題,我們通過修改源代碼排故。
The primary goal of the QA procedure is to test the current state of our products on all supported platforms in order to:
- detect:
- any problem building the binaries
- any regression in correcteness
- test:
- the product-lines built during QA procedure
- the new functionality introduced in recent development
- track:
- performance improvment/regression
- eventual behavior difference
The QA procedure consists of
- checking out all modifications on the internal projects starting from 18h00
- recompiling all libraries and executables from scratch
· generating all product-lines from scratch
- using these product-lines to run the QA
- on monday,tuesday,wednesday and thursday night, all non-HPC tests are run (nightly) with the exception of biot which only starts the nightly on monday and wednesday
- during the weekend all tests will be run
- collecting the results of the QA and generate a report
- These reports contain:
- a basic definition of our release platform
- an overview of the procedure with, for each product-lines, an indication of the number of failed test and the total number of scheduled tests
- an expand view of theses tests with:
- a boolean result, meaning its success or failure
- when available a graph of the data which were used when comparing the results to the related reference.
§ an overview of the test it-self within a ppt document
- an indication of the computation time and a time regression indicator
- two different links to download:
- the product-lines built during QA procedure
§ the same product-lines which entirely passed the QA procedure at a given time
This procedure is executed at least on all release machines (i.e. every machine that serves to generate all product-lines for a specific supported platform) and on some additional machines that can serve as a valuable reference.
相關標簽搜索:聲學仿真軟件ACTRAN 常見問題FAQ ① Actran培訓 Actran培訓課程 Actran分析 Actran在線視頻教程 Actran技術學習教程 Actran軟件教程 Actran資料下載 Actran代做 Actran基礎知識 Fluent、CFX流體分析 HFSS電磁分析 Ansys培訓