
2016-09-29  by:CAE仿真在線  來源:互聯(lián)網


1、Tools \ Options,各種基本設置

  1.1 Tools \ Options \ HFSS Options-> Duplicate boundaries/mesh operations with geometry , 被復制的集合圖形,默認擁有同樣的邊界特性

  1.2 Tools \ Options \ Modeler Options-> (operations)Auto cover closed ploylines, 自動充滿閉合的折線(封閉的線當做一個面);(drawing)Edite properties of new primitives,添加新的xx時,編輯屬性

  1.3 Tools \ Options \ Modeler Options-> (project options) when create a new project, insert a design of type HFSS。當新建一個工程時,插入HFSS類型的設計。

  1.4 Tools \ Options \ General Options->(default units) 系統(tǒng)默認度量單位設置,比如,mm或mil

2、Modelers \ Units,當前使用單位設置

3、HFSS \ Solution Type,當前設計的種類,有以下四種:

  ① [Driven Mode] is for calculating the mode-based S-parameters of passive, high-frequency structures such as microstrips, waveguides, and transmission lines which are "driven" by a source, and for computing incident plane wave scattering. The S-matrix solution will be expressed in terms of the incident and reflected powers of waveguide modes.

  ② [Driven Terminal] is for calculating the terminal-based S-parameters of passive, high-frequency structures with multi-conductor transmission line ports. This solution type results in a terminal-based description in terms of voltages and currents.

  ③ [Eigen Mode] is for calculating the Eigenmodes, or resonances, of a structure. The Eigenmode solver finds the resonant frequencies of the structure and the fields at those resonant frequencies. Eigenmode designs cannot contain design parameters that depend on frequency.

  ④ [Transient] is for calculating problems in the time domain. It employs a time-domain "transient" solver. Typically applications include (The mode appears from HFSS 13)







  ① Draw Line,Type為Rectangle,指定With和Height。如果是仿真?zhèn)鬏斁€,推薦這種方式。

  ② Draw Box。



  ① Draw Line,Type 為Rectangle,只指定With或Height。

  ② Draw Rectangle。




  ① 在無命令激活的狀態(tài)下,點擊鼠標右鍵。在彈出菜單里可以快速選擇select object 或 select face。

  ② Edit / Select / Select Object 或Select Face。

  Tips:可以用Edit / Select / Select by name 來精確選擇。



  ① Edit/ Arrange 或Edit/ Duplicate

  ② 選擇物體,在其name上右鍵,選擇彈出菜單中的Edit/Arrange或Edit/Duplicate。



1、HFSS \ Excitations \ Assign \ Wave Port或Lumped Port

  是把某個face給assign成為wave port,所以,操作前要先選擇一個face;另外,前面選擇HFSS設計solution type不同,這里添加的port類型也不同。

  關于Wave Port和Lumped Port的區(qū)別問題:

With lump port=> the excitation is applied at a point/cell, as a voltage or current. 
With wave-port=> the excitation is so-called eigen-wave, such as the quasi-tem wave supported by a microstrip line. It applies over a cross-sectional area. 

voltage is scalar, wave is vector by nature, hence there are substantial difference between the two. So use waveport whenever possible, because "simulation of wave phenomenon" is what HFSS is designed for. And compare with the "correct" measurement whenever possible (i.e. measure "wave", not simply "voltage"). 

Why lumped port is there? It is easy to applied and people found that good/reasonable results can be obtained. Why? if the frequency is low enough or the excitation is applied at sufficiently small area, then the "wave" can be described by some "voltage" or "current", which must be "measured"/"calculated"/de-embedded/etc in the correct manner. if the excitation can be applied on some locally uniform region=>waveport, if geometry/material discontinuities are near/closer to the point of excitation=>lumped port might be the only way. 

2、HFSS \ Analysis Setup \ Add Solution Setup


  ①[Solution Frequency]若取整個系統(tǒng)設計的最大考慮頻寬,mesh會切最多,模擬時間較長,但模擬也會最準。

  ②[Maximum Number of Passes] is the maximum number of mesh refinement cycles for HFSS to perform.


  ①[Minimum Converged Passes]

  ②[Enable Iterative Solver]The iterative solver significantly reduces memory usage, and it can also provide a savings in the solution time for large simulations.

3、HFSS \ Analysis Setup \ Add Frequency Sweep


4、HFSS \ Validation Check

  這里是檢查是否已經進行了完整的設置,是否可以執(zhí)行analyze。如果可以,那么,就進行HFSS\ Analyze all吧!



1、HFSS \ Results \ Solution Data

  生成仿真基本情況的報告,包括了:Profile(仿真耗時、占用計算機資源等信息)、Convergence(做了多少次迭代才得到收斂值)、matrixs()、mesh statistics(切了多少mesh)。電腦不同這里的值差別蠻大,我的破電腦居然能跑很快,讓我很驚訝。

2、HFSS \ Results \ Create Terminal Solution Data Report \ Rectangular Plot

  S參數(shù)的report,反正在彈出的框框里選你要的參數(shù),然后new report 或者add trace就好了,直接會有你要的數(shù)據被繪制到圖中。你也可以選在export matrix data(導出仿真數(shù)據)或者equivalent circuit export(等效電路導出,PSpice.lib或HSPICE.sp)。

3、HFSS \ Fields \ Fields \ E \ Mag_E


Mag E                 電場模                V/m

Mag H                 磁場模               Amps/m

Mag Jvol              體電流密度模         Amps/m2

Mag Jsurf             面電流密度模         Amps/m

Complex MagE          電場復數(shù)模           V/m

Complex MagH          磁場復數(shù)模           Amps/m

Complex Mag Jvol      體電流密度的復數(shù)模   Amps/m2

Complex Mag Jsurf     面電流密度的復數(shù)模   Amps/m

Vector E                       電場                 V/m

Vector H                       磁場                Amps/m

Vector Jvol                   體電流密度J(x,y,z)           Amps/m2

Vector Jsurf                 面電流密度J(x,y,z)           Amps/m

Vector Real Poynting  坡印亭矢量,定義為E x H*     W/m2

Local SAR                    特定吸收率                   W/kg

Average SAR              平均特定吸收率               W/kg 


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